Megaman X

Megaman X

When Rock was modified into Megaman, Dr. Light incorporated revolutionary new designs into Rock's neuro-processor. Later on, he makes these designs even more novel and sophisticated. These designs were so new, that Rock had to continuously be tested to make sure he would never violate the first Law of Robotics: "A robot must never harm a human being." The good doctor grew old, and had no one to continue his work. So, he sealed Megaman, now designated as subject "X", in a capsule that would test his systems for thirty years. At the end of this time, Apr. 13, 21XX, the capsule is unearthed by famed archeologist and scientific jack-of-all-trades Dr. Cain. He resurrects "X", and realizes that the sophisticated neuro-circuitry is the work of the legendary Dr. Thomas Light. He tries to impliment the designs into new, other free-thinking robots called Reploids. By January the following year, Reploids are common and they can be seen commonly working alongside humans. Come February, however, some Reploids arrive at the conclusion that humans should be eliminated and go Maverick, injuring and even killing people. The first Law of Robotics has been shattered. A group of Reploids were then deputized as Maverick Hunters, designed to save humanity. Meanwhile, "X" becomes unsure of his role in this strange future. His weapons are now antiquated, his lightweight titamium-x armor is just as old fasioned, and he considers giving up fighting for good. Feb. 16 sees the organization of the Hunters under a leader named Sigma, seemingly the most powerful and intelligent Reploid to date. But, just as the world breathes easier, Sigma goes Maverick on June 4, and the war intensifies. "X" joins the Maverick Hunters just as Zero takes command. And so, the saga of Megaman draws to a close; the saga of Mega Man X has just begun...

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Megaman X2

Megaman X2

Six months pass, and the war against the Mavericks is almost over. Mega Man X has assumed command of the Maverick Hunters, and they are about to crush the Maverick insurection, when they and Dr. Cain are contacted by Agile, Serges, and Violen, the X-Hunters. They have Zero's parts, and intend to resurrect him to fight for the Maverick cause. X, in a desperate attempt to save him, fights through the X-Hunters, each making reference to "the prophesy". Sigma is back! Zero is then brough back to life, and Sigma is defeated again. But, this is not the end.

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Megaman X3

Megaman X3

A year passes. All Mavericks have been neutralized, thanks to the efforts, know-how, and neuro-computer of a Reploid scientist named Dr. Doppler. They then settle in a utopian Reploid society called DoppleTown. Little time passes, however, before they begin to go berserk and riot after becoming infected with a strange virus. Dr. Doppler is then implicated as he ringleader, but not before the Reploids storm Maverick Hunter Headquarters. Mega Man X and Zero, now the leader of a special 0-unit, repel the attack and set out to stop the revolt. Doppler sends Bit and Byte, and a new and improved Vile, in the new ride armor "Goliath." Upon defeting Doppler, X finds that Doppler was corrupted by the virus, which is actually Sigma's true form, and that Dopppler has built a new super battle body for his controller to occupy. X destroys the body and, after narrowly escaping being possesed himself, X sees Dr. Doppler die for his attrocities to destroy Sigma and Zero eliminates him with an Anti-Sigma virus program. It is revealed that in the end, X must destroy Zero to save humanity.

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Megaman X4

Megaman X4
X & Zero

Long after Sigma was annhialated, a new faction of Reploids forms: the Repliforce. Commanded by General and his second-in-command Colonel, they are watched carefully by all. Magma Dragon, a Maverick Hunter, cause a floating lava bed to come crashing to the ground, causing untold carnage. X, a commander of Unit #14, and Zero commanding his elite Unit #0, are sent to investigate. X is confronted by General and Zero meets with Colonel, who thanks him for rescuing his sister Iris in the catastrophe. Zero and X are then sent to war against the Repliforce, who are held responsible for the fall of the lava bed. The Repliforce takes offense at being branded as a faction of Mavericks, and begins construction of a superweapon to defend themselves and their dream of a Reploids-only nation of their own. Double, a clumsey Maverick Hunter, is assigned to X's unit. Iris accompanies Zero, though she is torn between her love for her brother and her love for him. Operating independantly, X and Zero fight new, powerful Reploids. They fight their way through Colonel, and discover that Sigma is alive! He has been manipulating the Repliforce and Maverick Hunters to get a hold of the Repliforce's superweapon. General sacrifices himself to destroy it, and the final battle begins. Sigma discovers that Zero was once a Maverick, but saw the light and joined the Hunters. Sigma is defeated once again, but X fears that one day he, too, may go Maverick. He makes Zero promise that if that ever happens, he will destroy X.

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Megaman X5

Megaman X5

The year is AD 21XX... The galaxy is at peace after centuries of fighting the Reploid Wars... The moon is the center of a swarm of orbiting space colonies. The largest, a massive colony named Eurasia, is undergoing extensive renovation to make it the most colossal and most advanced of all the orbiting outposts. When an unknown evil force occupies Eurasia, the peace collapses! Eurasia's artificial gravity device is wrecked. The colony spins out of orbit, and is now headed on a collision course with Earth! The outpost will hit Earth in 24 hours. If they collide, Earth could be totally destroyed. It could even vanish! The only way to shield the Earth is to deploy Enigma, an ancient particle cannon left over from the Reploid Wars. The future of the planet is entrusted to Mega Man and Zero. Can they save the planet? Collect the parts to restart Enigma and halt the hurtling space outpost Eurasia before it annihilates Earth!
In my opinion they could do much better for the intro and the ending scenes, poor pictures has replaced the awesome full motion videos we could saw in Megaman X4, that's sad... We meet some new characters but they don't act a lot, dialogues are long and boring, no voices at all, only bips like in a Supernes game. By the way the gameplay remains excellent, X begins his quest with his ultimate armor from X4 which allow air-dash and enhanced buster from the start to the end! Music themes are brillant too.

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Megaman X6

Megaman X6

Future time: AD 21XX Three weeks ago, Sigma's evil scheming set off a "colony fall incident." Zero's death protected the Earth from colliding with the plummeting colony, but Earth was scorched beyond saving, devastated by the severe effects of the Sigma Virus... Following the attack, all humans had to retreat underground to escape the toxic pollution blanketing the Earth's surface. The pollution has now cooled enough to be measured and contained, and Reploids have begun the recovery operation. But today, Mega Man X receives a frantic message from Alia: "X! A huge Reploid is running out of control! Get over here ASAP!" The dangerous Reploid, believed to have disintegrated during Sigma's attack, has reappeared! X heads to the battlefield armed with Zero's Z-Saber. Can he defeat the Reploid for good this time?
Megaman X6 looks like X5 in better. More power-ups and better gameplay for the best Megaman game ever!

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Hall of fame!



Armored Armadillo


Blast Hornet

Blizzard Buffalo

Boomer Kuwanger

Bubble Crab



Chill Penguin

Crush Crawfish

Crystal Snail


Flame Mammoth

Flame Stag

Gravity Beetle

Launch Octopus



Magna Centipede

Morph Moth

Neon Tiger

Overdrive Ostrich



Spark Mandrill

Sting Chameleon

Storm Eagle

Toxic Seehorse

Tunnel Rhino



Volt Catfish

Wheel Gator

Wire Sponge



Playstation :

Burn Dinorex (Mattrex)


Crescent Grizzly (Grizzly Slash)

Cyber Peacock

Dark Necrobat (Dark Dizzy)



Frost Walrus



Jet Stingray


Magma Dragoon

Shining Hotarunicus (Izzy Glow)


Slash Beast

Spike Rosered (Axle the Red)

Spiral Pegacion (The Skiver)

Split Mushroom

Storm Owl

Tidal Makkoeen (Duff McWhalen)

Volt Kraken (Squid Adler)

Web Spider



X5 bosses have 2 names, in first the original ones (Japan version) and then those inspired from the "Gun and Roses" (Europe and US versions). X5 pictures (with Alia, Signas, Douglas et Lifesaver and other) downloadable here.
