“What am I fighting fooooorrrrrrrrrr!!!!!”

Mega Man X4 (Rockman X4)

Mega Man X4 Mega Man X4 Mega Man X4 Mega Man X4

System: PlayStation/Saturn/PCGraphics:
Publisher: CapcomSound:
Year: 1998Difficulty:
Genre: Action-platformerRating: 8/10

The situation is dire. The Maverick epidemic is spreading, even within the ranks of the Hunters, who are struggling to contain the violence, particularly against humans. Fearing a witch hunt and refusing to submit to the Maverick Hunters’ authority, accused of being subservient to humans, a group of Reploids, called Repliforce, declares their autonomy. An armed confrontation between the two factions is inevitable…

For those who haven’t been following the story up to this point, a catch-up session. Mega Man X4 reveals quite a lot, through glorious animated scenes (Japanese anime). This makes it a very engaging and memorable episode, which I’d recommend to anyone wanting to discover the series without starting with a game that’s too old or too technical.

We’re reminded, for example, that before becoming public enemy number one, Sigma was the leader of the Maverick Hunters (the good guys), and that he started sparking and twitching like a toaster on the fritz shortly after returning wounded from a duel with a wandering Maverick, who was none other than Zero. Earlier, we were shown the latter experiencing visions, talking to a mysterious silhouette, reminiscent of Dr. Wily…

This time, we have the option to play as either X or Zero for the entire game (functioning similar to Rockman and Forte), which radically changes the gameplay, as well as delivering two independent stories, masterfully told and, for once, believable.

This game is a great success, in every way; both enjoyable to follow and to play. The following episodes will become increasingly mind-bending…

One point off, though, for the level on a sea scooter, with forced screen scrolling. It’s unbearable. Imagine if they did this in 3D!

Suggested order:
Frost Walrus > Jet Stingray > Slash Beast > Web Spider > Split Mushroom > Cyber Peacock > Storm Owl > Magma Dragoon

Mega Man X4 (PlayStation) Mega Man X4 (PlayStation) Mega Man X4 (PlayStation) Mega Man X4 (PlayStation)

Mega Man X5 (PlayStation)

Where to buy it?