“How nice to see you again, X!”

Mega Man X8 (Rockman X8)

Mega Man X8 Mega Man X8 Mega Man X8 Mega Man X8

System: PlayStation 2/PCGraphics:
Publisher: CapcomSound:
Year: 2004Difficulty:
Genre: FrisbeeRating: 5/10

Despite our Hunters’ best efforts, the Maverick rebellion remains strong.
To escape the violence, the last humans have taken refuge on the Moon: they had an orbital elevator built by “new generation” reploids (that is, immune to viruses, guaranteed loyal and devoted to the human cause, like all previous generations, mind you, but this time they’re sure about it, chaps).
Thus was completed the Jakob Project, led by Lumine, an upright reploid (so trustworthy, in fact, that we never for a second consider him as the final boss…).
Then, to cut a long story short, Vile (one of the villains from Mega Man X1 and X3) returns, kidnaps Lumine, and that’s when our heroes enter the scene, with furrowed brows and gritted teeth (the dramatic effect loses some of its punch by the eighth time, to be honest).

The first thing you notice (with relief) is the return to single-plane movement (X7’s “2D mode”). This means you’re back to the good old days of jumping, aiming manually, and shooting, but with 3D backgrounds, accompanied by camera effects that don’t hinder progression. And unlike Mega Man X7, it’s fast!

Moreover, the levels feel better designed (except for two, which I’ll come back to), and even though the difficulty is diabolical (partly due to a reduced field of vision), some platform sections are exhilarating, as are the epic showdowns with gigantic robots!
I should also mention that you won’t be saving distressed Reploids anymore (frustrating when you need split-second reactions to avoid losing them). You’ll then have plenty of time to admire the scenery and twisted mechanisms concocted by sadistic programmers (in that respect, they didn’t mess about this time).

Regarding improvements: there’s a multitude of bonuses, weapons, and armour for our three protagonists (two are playable at any time, one after the other), which will require you to revisit levels numerous times to complete the game 100%. However, newcomers will be utterly lost in the sea of options and menus.
It’s also worth noting that our characters start the adventure “naked”, with very little health, and the early levels are brutally difficult until you’ve gathered enough power-ups. A real challenge for series die-hards, discouraging for others…

Ultimately, everything could have been of the same calibre: challenging but dynamic, inspired levels where we could have enjoyed reminiscing about the feelings of the first 2D Mega Man games, in a fresh style…
But no, the developers had to succumb to the tradition (well-known to Mega Man players) of “bloody-ridiculous-racing-mini-games” in 3D, with more than questionable controls, which sadly result in two entire levels being completely ruined (almost a quarter of the game, no less). Here’s a taste:

In the first, you find yourself controlling a snow jet at full speed (you naturally can’t stop). Don’t even think about getting through it until you’ve memorised every turn, ramp, and pitfall. An abominable level, incredibly irritating, and yet one you’ll have to repeat endlessly to collect the bonuses you’ll need later.
By the way, if I wanted a ski racing game, I would’ve bought a ski racing game!

As for the second, my goodness … it’s pure torture!
You pilot a flying ship through a city. No stopping, no turning. You must follow an invisible rail and destroy a large shuttle in front of you within the time limit, or else … poof! You suddenly explode and have to start again! And let’s be clear, the rather unergonomic controls, to put it politely, will require dozens of attempts. I suggest acquiring a tube of aspirin and sedatives. Personally, I spent several hours finishing this level. Delighted! I threw the game out the window right after.
And for the record, it’s because of this particular level that I stopped updating the Mega Man section of the site. I was mad about the series, I’ve been giving it the cold shoulder for 15 years now. That’s how traumatising it was!

My conclusion, if needed: Mega Man X8 is a title designed for die-hard fans and trigger-happy maniacs. Despite its many qualities, two failed levels wreck it miserably. What a shame!

Suggested order:
Earthrock Trilobyte > Gigabolt Man-o-War > Avalanche Yeti > Burn Rooster > Bamboo Pandamonium > Optic Sunflower > Dark Mantis > Gravity Antonion

Mega Man X Command Mission (PlayStation 2)

Where to buy it?