| The rebirth of Zero
After many battles, Sigma was finally eliminated thanks to the efforts of X and Zero.
Human society was able to prosper and build a new world on the ruins of the old: Neo Arcadia.

Peace lasted for a time, until humans, eager to avoid living under the rule of machines again, decided that all reploids were a threat to society. They launched a witch hunt, falsely accusing many of them of becoming Mavericks, meaning they had been reprogrammed to kill.
The peaceful reploids who remained exiled themselves to a devastated city, choosing to live autonomously. But soon, the government’s army set out to exterminate them.
The only hope for the reploids lay deep within an abandoned mine, in the form of a certain Zero, a legendary hero who had disappeared nearly 100 years ago.
He was awakened from his slumber by Ciel, a human scientist sympathetic to the reploids’ cause, who begged him to help them…
In a storyline reminiscent of Animatrix, we happily find a reimagined, amnesiac Zero in a platform game very similar to the Mega Man X series, with the difference that now, he’s the main protagonist.
Ciel (left) and Passy, her cybernetic elf.