
Cyberzerk Cyberzerk Cyberzerk Cyberzerk

Developer: CenturyGraphics:
Publisher: BoederSound:
Year: 1993Difficulty:
Genre: ActionLastability:
Number of players: 2 simultaneousRating: 5/10

A title inspired by the legendary arcade game Berzerk (1980). Your goal is to explore every room of a colossal spaceship while blasting everything in sight with lasers and grenades.

The visuals might seem appealing at first, but the gameplay is slow and dull. There are no new weapons to break the monotony, enemies move back and forth in straight lines, and to top it off: you’ve got just one life standing between you and game over.

Cyberzerk gets a mention in the intro to Subtrade.

Where to download it?
Planet Emulation
The Old Computer