Laser Squad

Laser Squad Laser Squad Laser Squad Laser Squad

Developer: BladeGraphics:
Publisher: MicroProseSound:
Year: 1994Difficulty:
Genre: StrategyLastability:
Number of players: 2 alternatingRating: 8/10

Inspired by Rebelstar (ZX Spectrum, 1984), this turn-based infiltration game transports you into a science fiction universe, leading an assault commando. The game is structured like traditional wargaming board games with figurines moved across a tactical map. You control your small soldiers individually, opening doors, shooting robots, all by expending action points. The mechanics remain quite straightforward, from equipment selection to squad deployment and developing a strategy to achieve your objectives (eliminating all enemies, liberating prisoners) (eliminating all enemies, liberating prisoners) whilst minimising your losses.

Laser Squad offers only five missions, but there are several ways to complete them. Moreover, the two-player mode (player versus player) provides it with a second wind.

Where to download it?
Planet Emulation
The Old Computer